15 minute Yin yoga for Hips and Hamstrings
This is an excellent practice encouraging the hips and hamstrings to lengthen and let go. Beneficial for runners (post-workout), bikers, and anyone who has a sitting-down job.
Hold the pose for 2 minutes (on each side) and end the class with 3 minutes of Savasana.
1. Hamstrings stretch (https://www.petramercier.com/yin/2019/9/14/hamstring-stretch)
2. Baby Dragon (https://www.petramercier.com/yin/2019/12/9/baby-dragon)
3. Pigeon (https://www.petramercier.com/yin/2019/10/21/supine-pigeon-also-known-as-eye-of-the-needle)
4. Savasana